Preparing for the State Consultation / SLIGP Planning
SLIGP (State and Local Implementation Grant Program) is a federal program, administered by the NTIA, that provides federal funds and a state / territory match for the early planning of the Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN). It allows states to prepare for the FirstNet consultation by collecting asset information and doing initial radio system planning. We can help you develop a comprehensive plan that leverages Federal resources while giving you – the decision-maker – all the information you need for a well-conceived and thoughtfully articulated strategy.

LTE Business Case Development
Developing a business case is an essential process in any commercial endeavor. It is also extremely important as a state plans its first responder LTE network. Ideally, it is a process that should be completed before starting SLIGP planning. There are a relatively small number of true first responders. There are a much larger number who could participate on a secondary basis. There is a lot of fixed cost in an LTE network. As the state decides to harden the network and extend coverage to wilderness areas the cost may increase significantly. It is important to “run the numbers” – clearly understanding the tradeoffs – at a business case level, before embarking on a detailed system design.

Radio System Planning
The success of any modern mobile radio network reflects its up-front planning. It is not uncommon for a first responder organization to pick a small number of high P25 tower locations, put up transceivers, and then see what coverage is achieved. A modern LTE network could not be more different. Choosing the right radio planning tools and purchasing precise terrain data and building polygons is essential. Since many states are doing initial designs to participate in the state consultations with FirstNet, it is essential that the state uses the same tools, data sets, and methodologies as FirstNet. It is also important that the state independently evaluates its coverage and hardening needs prior to the consultation. A state that does not embark on a robust independent evaluation before the State Consultation may discover it is too late to influence the outcome.

LTE Technology Planning
Wireless technology is changing rapidly. There are already efforts to define 5G communications – while much of the US still is still covered by 2G/3G. When “the Act” was passed in 2012 it assumed 3GPP Release 8, which is now outdated. LTE Release 10 LTE has already been deployed and some features from Release 12 will be available in the next 14 months. Understanding key technology choices can be daunting. At Signals Analytics, LLC we have direct expertise with the entire ecosystem of mobile wireless – devices, base stations, transport network, core network, and applications. We can help you assess the landscape and make sound technology choices.

BTOP Network Performance Testing
A key question for anyone with a deployed network is “How is it performing”? BTOP recipients will want to benchmark the coverage and capacity of their LTE network. Those planning their PSBN LTE network may wish to benchmark the coverage of their existing network to facilitate the planning process. Even though the purpose of each network is very different, knowing the coverage of the existing voice network will help municipalities ask intelligent questions about their LTE coverage needs.